PHONE:  508-717-4110



educational Advocate




Educational Advocate

Welcome to the New England Diagnostic and Learning Center's educational advocacy web page. Our educational advocates  deal with educational  issues involving your child's educational rights including your child's right to Individualized Educational Plan IEP or 504 plan that is specific to his or her's individual needs.  If  your child's is having Academic and Behavior Issues including  ADD/ADHD, Autism, School Behavior, School Bullying and  School Suspension or Explusion, we are here to help.   

NELDC is  a nonprofit organization.  Don't wait. Call us now at  508-717-4110  or email us a 


     Our Educational Advocates help with: 


A step by step Guide to Special Education 

New England Learning and Diagnostic Center | Hangzhou, China | Abu Dahbi, UAE  Phone: China 86 150 5865 3889

The New England Diagnostic and Learning Center is a non-profit organization, founded by a school psychologist whose son was diagnosed with ADHD.