Symptoms That Mimic ADHD Disorder
Learning Disability, Dyslexia, Autism, ADD or ADHD? |
Attention span, restlessness and frustration in the classroom and out of the classroom can result from not being able to process the millions of pieces of visual information needed to learn and function in tasks that are needed everyday. Even Undiagnosed vision problems can often be confused with ADD or ADHD. There are many symptoms that learning and visual disorders, ADD and ADHD have in common. AHDH type symptoms can occur when there are eye teaming, eye tracking and perceptual problems that can cause words, letters and numbers to appear to move or jump on a page. Many people mistakenly think that they or their children have dyslexia because they can see 20/20 with or without corrective lenses and still have trouble reversing words, letters and numbers. There are cases where both problems are present. True dyslexia can still be present in rare cases after vision disorders are resolved, but in many cases what was thought of as dyslexic symptoms disappear once the eye teaming, tracking and perceptual vision skills are strengthened. Only a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation can eliminate the doubt when diagnosing dyslexia, ADD or ADHD, NVLD, Autism, PDD or another learning difficulty. Often I have recommended the child see a developmental pedicatric optomotrist to rule out visual problems, when the child is clearly presenting with visual perceptual difficulties. One of my student's that I tested, where the school had put all the blame on his mother, who is a single parenet. The student has now received numerous scholarships and is now a senior in High School on the honor role in a private Catholic High School. His problems had nothing to do with ADHD but was in fact the result of his visual perceptual difficulties. The school also tried to ram the ADHD diagnosis on her younger son, who is now also attending a priviate school and is not a behavior problem and is getting good grades. At one point or another, from one of my own children, I have gotten the call from the school principle and the classroom teacher that one of my son's has ADHD. One of my son's now has a law degree and another one is now an English Teacher in China. My son Nicholas, who faced an army of psychiatrists, special educators and his pedicatrician, all insisted he could not function off his psychotropic medications, Nicholas is now off all psychotropic medications and doing well in school. |
Learning Disabilities
New England Learning and Diagnostic Center | Hangzhou, China | 508-717-4110
The New England Learning and Development Center is a non-profit organization, founded by a school psychologist whose son was diagnosed with ADHD.