Phone: 508-717-4110 Email:
Obtaining an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) at Public Expense:
1. Choose an Independent Evaluator who is willing to evaluate within the 30 day time frame.
2. Put your request for an IEE in writing. Be specific as to why you feel the school evaluation is not comprehensive.
3. Hand deliver the letter to the school and make sure they date stamp the letter or send the letter certified mail.
4. Wait at least 5 days for the response in the mail.
Sample request letter for an independent evaluation:
Dear _____:
I / we are not satisfied with the [recent] evaluation performed by the school's evaluator [or the evaluator chosen by the district] on our child [name]. Among other things, we do not agree with X, Y, Z. [describe objections] With all due respect, we do not believe this evaluation accurately reflects our child's unique needs.
In light of this, we are requesting that the district agree to pay for An independent evaluation of our son/daughter by [name of provider] who is[A private school psychologist] located at [address] The anticipated cost of the evaluation is $____.
We understand that the district must advise us regarding this matter within 5 days.
Please advise.
Thank you
In light of this, we are requesting that the district agree to pay for An independent evaluation of our son/daughter by [name of provider] who is[A private school psychologist] located at [address] The anticipated cost of the evaluation is $____.
We understand that the district must advise us regarding this matter within 5 days.
Please advise.
Thank you
Learning Disabilities